Break Loose

About Me, This Site

About Me

My name is Gerry. I have a Bachelor of Arts in Liberal Arts. I know, I'm a Liberal Arts major! What was I thinking?

It's not so bad. I studied many topics in college and I feel I have a well-rounded education that prepared me for the challenges of the modern business world. I can read, write, do math, and I understand the scientific method.

My knowldge of economics and business principles helps me make sense of the business world and the economy. My knowledge of history allows me to compare what is happening today to what generations have done in the past.

I am proud of my degree and I welcome anyone to challenge its value. Maybe I have to work a little bit harder to get the job I want, but the Internet gives me the freedom to work where I wish.

About Break Loose

This little site is a showcase for my writing talent and my ability to research any topic. I show this job to potential freelance clients. I also showed it to my last employer.

Maybe I don't have hundreds of articles yet but you just wait and see. One day I'll get there.